Eranga Weerarathne, Honorable Deputy Minister, Digital Economy.
Digitalization is the key to leading the future development of the exercise to rebirth an era.
Eranga Weerarathne, Honorable Deputy Minister, Digital Economy.
The Digital ID System is the very foundational cornerstone in the digitalization architecture of Sri Lanka.
Eranga Weerarathne, Honorable Deputy Minister, Digital Economy.
Will digital debt revolutionize identity?
Expect tomorrow (Thursday) at 10.30pm on ITN Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Unique Digital Identity
National Initiative for Research and Development Commercialisation - NIRDC
National IT Conference 2024
විදුලි සංදේශන නියාමන පණත් කෙටුම්පත පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම
ITN - Hathweni Peya (2024-06-24)
DigiEcon Global Investment Summit
Media Briefing held at President Media Centre on DigiEcon Global Investment Summit 10th May.